
Vocational Training Initiative in Digital Content

Vocational Training Initiative in Digital Content

Heyzel Studios is proud to announce its latest initiative, in cooperation with the Ministry of Information and the Public Communications Authority. Heyzel Studios is opening its doors to welcome various talents from various fields and is offering on-site vocational training
opportunities with the potential for employment for highly skilled candidates.
The initiative was launched by the Ministry of Information and the Public Communications Authority at Ignite, a vocational training initiative in digital content production. The initiative aims to develop human resources and empower national capabilities in the field of digital content production. The initiative offers a five-day training workshop, preceding the 6-months
vocational training program which offers on-the-job training opportunities for its candidates.

The initiative’s program provides skilled-individuals with vocational opportunities and on-the-job training while promoting digital content production and connecting universities and educational institution with the private sector. The initiative aims to serve as a facilitator for fresh graduates seeking market opportunities in digital content production. Heyzel Studios was one of the pioneering companies that were first to open its doors by providing internships and
vocational training opportunities for local talents and by facilitating their transition into the job market.

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